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联系人: 女士 (经理)
电 话:021-31268606
手 机:13061977532




    德国FBAGOMYL-FALLPROTEC全安斯福 ,我们的工程服务范围包括防坠落水平生命线系统、防坠落轨道垂直爬梯生命线系统、防坠落安全锚装置、电池直流电动绳索升降机、BMU擦窗机、MONORAIL单轨,带来创新是我们成功的重点,以客户为导向的工程设计能力是我们不断发展的目标。
The MONORAIL SAFEACCESS C and the platform form a building maintenance unit. This rail can be concealed, so it's the most aesthetic solution for architects.
The equipment has been designed and tested according to standard EN 1808 Suspended Access Equipment"".The MONORAIL SAFEACCESS C consists of a aluminium rail fixed on top of a building from which the platform is suspended. Manually or powered trolleys allow the traversing of the platform along the fagade. The lifting is carried out by a traction hoist attached to the platform.
The platform designed for 2 people consists of a tubular aluminum structure, covered by perforated panels with a height of 110 cm. It supports two people and their tools or 240 kg. The effective area of the floor is 200 x 80 cm. The platform designed for 1 person has an effective area of 140 X 80 cm and supports 1 person or 120 kg. All the mechanical parts are placed inside the platforms; this arrangement provides good protection against damage due to shock. The platforms are equipped with roller

女士 (经理)  
电  话: 021-31268606
传  真: 021-51087252
移动电话: 13061977532
公司地址: 中国省份市、县级市、县闵行
邮  编:
公司主页: http://fallprotection.qy6.com.cn(加入收藏)

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全安斯福FALLPROTEC高空防坠落系统 公司地址:中国省份市、县级市、县闵行
女士 (经理) 电话:021-31268606 传真:021-51087252
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