商业机会 产品大全 企业名录 我商务中心 | | 手机站 网址:fallprotection.qy6.com 屋顶防坠落系统_全安斯福FALLPROTEC高空防坠落系统
联系人: 女士 (经理)
电 话:021-31268606
手 机:13061977532




    德国FBAGOMYL-FALLPROTEC全安斯福 ,我们的工程服务范围包括防坠落水平生命线系统、防坠落轨道垂直爬梯生命线系统、防坠落安全锚装置、电池直流电动绳索升降机、BMU擦窗机、MONORAIL单轨,带来创新是我们成功的重点,以客户为导向的工程设计能力是我们不断发展的目标。
A competent person will check the strength of the structure in relationship with forces transmitted by the end and intermediate anchors when a fall is stopped. FALLPROTEC makes software available, approved by Apave, which works out the forces in accordance with the site configuration and the number of users.
The components of the line withstand without permanent deformation the forces indicated to table below and present a safety coefficient of two. The forces calculated by the software must be lower than the allowable forces. If you note a force beyond the allowable force it will be necessary to change one or more parameters of calculation, either to decrease the number of users or to decrease the distance between two anchors

女士 (经理)  
电  话: 021-31268606
传  真: 021-51087252
移动电话: 13061977532
公司地址: 中国省份市、县级市、县闵行
邮  编:
公司主页: http://fallprotection.qy6.com.cn(加入收藏)

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全安斯福FALLPROTEC高空防坠落系统 公司地址:中国省份市、县级市、县闵行
女士 (经理) 电话:021-31268606 传真:021-51087252
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